A look into the past


Today we rode the south boundary trail of Glacier Park down to Harrison Creek. This is the site of an old homestead belonging to Dan and Josephine Doody. Supposedly Dan kidnapped Josephine from the railroad boom town of McCarthyville to become his wife. Another story is Josephine had killed a man in Colorado and had moved in with Dan to hide out. Josephine became famous for her moonshining and bootlegging. The old cabin is falling down now and nature is reclaiming the area, but it is fun to visit and view the history here.


The old Fordson tractor at the cabinDSC_0051

It is a beautiful ride down the south boundary trail to arrive at this site. DSC_0058.JPG

The horses were very well behaved on this ride. The trail is somewhat precarious. One misstep in the wrong place and you will definately have a problem.image.jpeg

From the trailhead at park headquarters it’s about 8 miles to the Doody cabin at the junction of the Harrison creek trail.




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