One of the Best

Not everyone gets to enjoy a mountain horse like Tanner. We’ve owned and leased so many horses, but I’ve never been on one that compares to this guy.

Hard to catch, bossy, bullheaded are words I use to describe Tanner, yet when you hit the trail it’s all business with this guy.

11 years now I’ve had the pleasure of looking through those ears down the trail. From pitch black 4:30 mornings during hunting season when we’ve headed up the trail all alone, to countless moonlit nights heading back to the trailhead, Tanner always gets the job done and we have a safe trip.

It’ll be a sad day when this guy slows down and can’t do the big trips anymore. Maybe we’ll both have to retire at that time.

One thought on “One of the Best”

  1. Nice post, Darryl. Will be a tough time for both you and Tanner when he can no longer get come with you on the trail.

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