Spring Time at Apgar View

After a very mild but prolonged winter, we are finally seeing spring weather up on Teakettle Mtn. Snow is melting and water is running everywhere. Spring fever is as prevalent here as the corona virus in New York. It is hard to imagine those poor folks living in the city during a home quarantine order.  When you live in a rural area you have the luxury of a very normal type of life during these social distancing times. Getting to be out enjoying the beauty of nature is one of the spoils of living on a mtn.
Small creek running through our pasture
We’ve put the snowshoes and skis away and have been working with the horses daily. The snow is to deep for any backcountry riding, but we can ride our neighborhood roads to give the boys some exercise.
Connie out for a spring ride
The horses are also enjoying the warm spring days. They are usually found stretched out basking in the sunshine. They don’t seem all that anxious to get back to work. 
The boys basking in the sunshine
One of the downsides of spring weather is the MUD. These guys seem to enjoy rolling in the crappiest place they can find usually immediately following being groomed.
Tough to keep a gray pretty in spring
Spring is also the best time to get the slash piles that we’ve been building though the year burnt up. Relaxing with a cup of coffee watching the fire and smelling the pine is extremely enjoyable.
Slash piles make great bonfires
Harley makes his way back to the barn.
Yes we are very fortunate to live in this part of the world. It seems so insane to see people being reprimanded for playing in a park or attempting to take their boat out fishing. Perhaps, when we have been victorious with suppressing this virus there will be some challenges to the manner that some of our states leaders addressed this pandemic.  Very often elected officials are more concerned with protecting their position than giving common sense leadership.

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