Castle lake – Great Bear Wilderness

Located back in the Great Bear Wilderness is a sweet little place called Castle Lake. Most visitors to this lake access it by floating down the middle fork of the flathead and taking a day hike up to fish here. To access by trailhead it’s about a 10 mile trip with a forde of the middle fork. The last 1.5 miles being steep and brushy. This lake used to be seldom visited, but nowadays it is very popular with middle fork floaters. I rode in from the Granite Creek trailhead for a overnight visit and was fortunate to have this beautiful spot all to myself.

There is a nice spot to camp with a small creek running along side for water source. This was the first time I used my electric fence for the horses. It worked great.

Early morning sunrise was just gorgeous. 

I wish I had brought my good camera to capture these pictures. 

So beautiful and peaceful in the early morning hours. Sounds of the creek flowing,  birds chirping and the horses munching grass. But watching the numerous fish rising on the lake quickly sent me down to try my flies.

The fishing was superb. I hate to say this and attract more attention to this little lake, but the early morning hours were spent reeling in many of these beauties.

If this lake is on your wish list for visiting you will surely enjoy! If you’re lucky you may have it all to yourself like I did.

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