Medicine Grizzly Lake – Glacier National Park

Medicine Grizzly Lake is located up the Cut Bank Valley. Connie and I took a ride up here on my birthday. We had both visited this lake as children, but well over 40 years since either of us had been here. To access this trailhead you take a left on the gravel road immediately after the Cut Bank creek bridge on hwy 89 (traveling north). It’s about 5 miles of pothole ridden road to get to Cut Bank campground and the trailhead. There is a small parking area at the trailhead for vehicles, but we used the fairly new stock ramp area. This area was signed no parking, but really stock use is what it was built for. Obviously you can’t block the ramp. Parking is very limited for stock trailers in this area. Although it would be easy to pull off the side of the road there are numerous no parking signs placed warning you not to. Very odd, that in this primitive area of the park they would attempt to curtail stock use in this manner. Also there is a sign at the onset of the gravel road restricting vehicle length to 21′. Now this is reservation land and I highly doubt that the tribe is applying this length restriction. Use your own judgement on whether or not you wish to break this rule with your horse trailer. We pulled our old 16′ bumper pull in here.Leaving the trailhead you are greeted with meadows of wildflowers, gorgeous!

The trail runs along Cut Bank creek treating you to beautiful views of Bad Marriage mtn, the creek, and numerous meadows of wildflowers.

Arriving at the lake.

Medicine Grizzly has numerous beautiful waterfalls feeding down into it.

We had a little bit of a blustery cloudy day for our trip, but were still treated to magnificent views of the surrounding peaks.

There is a trail skirting the north side of the lake that you can take up to the head end. Here there is a nice area to have lunch and view the waterfalls.

Pack you rain gear cuz you never know when you are on an east side excursion.

It is about 6 miles from trailhead to foot of the lake and about 1/2 mile further up to the head end. Very gentle grade with a well used trail. If you’re here on a nice day with no wind I would recommend a side trip up to Triple Divide Pass. It was way to windy for us to head up there so now we have to return!!

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