Firebrand Pass after a week of fun

 It’s been busy the last couple weeks at Apgar Ranch. We were fortunate to have our daughter and her girls visit accompanied by her good friend and her two children. Lots of horse rides and mountain touring for sure. After all the company departed Connie and I took a day trip up to firebrand pass to relax.It was a beautiful day to be having lunch up here

There is still a snowfield across the trail, but you can access the top by heading straight up the bowl.

Heading across the shale field.

A couple years ago we rode up on Grant Ridge via the Stanton Lake trail. We were treated to beautiful views, but the trail was not very horse friendly. This is a loop trail and we have never ridden the other side. Prior to our company coming I took our newest horse Red and headed up here (Grant Ridge trail) to explore. Although this trail is very steep, it is a much better trail for stock use. You actually end up riding up the ridge line to gain the top.

This country is amazingly beautiful and well worth the effort to climb up here!

We were also joined on the mountain by our niece and her family. So for a short time we had 9 kids loving up on the horses.

While our company was here, horses seem to enjoy the light duty work of riding kids. Just walk along quiet and receive a couple of treats when done.

Angie and Lindsey managed to get out for a quiet ride up in the McGinnis creek area. When you come from the city, this country is a peaceful place to unwind and reboot!

Till next year!

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