Conditioning ride up Mcginnis creek

It was a beautiful day to ride up Mcginnis creek yesterday. This area is off limits to vehicle travel until July 1 so it is a nice place to take a conditioning ride. With temps in the 90’s we didn’t push the guys to hard, but did take a trail that got us up on a ridge so we would have some decent views of the area. There is a lot of new growth in the area following the fire’s. Many little pockets open up for viewing, but we did not see any wildlife on the ride. This is a great looking area for deer and elk but I suspect the heat had them tucked into sheltered areas out of view. The horses did a good job. Freckles got ponied along though and he got pretty lazy on the way out, felt like he was going to pull my arm off many times. This was Connie’s first real ride following her wrist surgery so she was pretty happy.

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