During July we had our annual grandkids ranch camp. This is such a special time for Connie and I. We got the 6 oldest of our 12 grandchildren.
Horse riding is always the biggest event. These kids all have their favorite horse so we wrangle each morning around 9, and then rotate in pairs for about an hour and half of riding for each pair.

The first to arrive at camp was Bella, Sophia, and Jalen.

Then Mady flew in to get a surprise greeting from her cousin

And finally Skylee and Decker flew in with their dad to join ranch camp.

A few days later Steve, Leah and Gavin drove out for a few days so we had 1 more grandchild at ranch camp

We spend a lot of time on horses, but with the hot afternoon temps, we had several lake outings

We took the UTV’s up to Moose Lake for a picnic and water fun. This is a 16 mile dusty UTV ride, but we had the lake all to ourselves😃
Water slide outings, Hungry Horse reservoir swimming, shooting, and huckleberry picking made up the rest of our excursions.

We also had a little fishing trip with the last 2 at camp. They had a blast in the creek on a 90 degree day.

There’s lots of tears when time comes to head home. They say goodbye to their horses with heavy hugs

Until next summer when we hope to get to do it again!