It’s been quite a while since I’ve added anything new to this webpage. We were sticking pretty close to home through the past few weeks. The second half of our winter on the mtn was a little severe. Improved temps and clear skies last week have been a welcome sight, prompting many excursions.
The views of the Flathead river and surrounding mountains have been tremendous.
These pictures are taken from the old West Glacier bridge.
Warmer temperatures and sunshine quickly took the ice off our roadway allowing us to saddle up and start riding again. We’re confined to the bare roads for now, but it’s still great to be riding.
These bluebird spring days are absolutely beautiful.
Sam and Callie are loving it.
I went for a ski trip with my neighbor heading up the mtn on a route I haven’t been on for a number of years. Spectacular conditions and views were our reward for the day.
We try to take advantage of this nice spring weather with daily rides. Our newest addition had not been ridden by Connie yet, so it was great to see them bond immediately.
Connie also jumped on Tanner for a little ride, but he was somewhat full of himself with these spring days.
He just needed to burn off some energy. He gets a little to accustomed to being the boss.
The transition into spring is so beautiful up on the mtn. Sunshine gives way to rain/snow showers and back to sunshine. It won’t be long and the trails will be open and the backcountry will be accessible. Can’t wait to start exploring again.