Our spring planting for 2017 is finally winding down. Just one field left that we are waiting to see if it will dry up a little more. It was a very easy planting season this year, with no big rain events.
Modern day agriculture requires a tremendous amount of spraying for weed control. For bean crops there is a pre-plant herbicide applied then the field is tilled and planted, following planting there is another pre-emerge herbicide applied. During the growing season these fields may be sprayed 1-2 times with weed control herbicide and 1-2 times with a fungicide at flowering. In the fall the bean fields require a burn down herbicide be applied to aid with harvesting. This keeps Steve pretty busy manning this rig
The lake flooding we have been fighting for over 20 years has created a large island that is somewhat inaccessible to public. With little human traffic in this area a pair of eagles made it their home a few years ago.
It is a treat to see these magnificent birds up close, but they do get a little upset if you linger to long at their nest.
With the relatively easy spring planting season we were able to take a little time for the real things that matter. Grandkids were out to have some fun with the horses
I think it would be great if all kids could experience life on a farm. Such a great place to grow up….