Harvest and field work are finally coming to an end. This year weather impacted most of our fields, but even with the damage from hail and severe rainfall, the crops turned out ok. These pictures were from back in July during one of the many thunderstorms that rolled though

Many of our friends ask what we enjoy so much about Montana’s mountains, especially in the winter. A election year like this is a prime example of why. When you are up on the mountain you lose your worries of all the BS that is happening in the country. The solitude is so comforting and peaceful.
Yes we live in an area that receives a lot of snow and you just have to deal with it. Yes we share our environment with bears, mountain lions, and wolves, but you learn to be cautious. The atmosphere here on the mountain is just pure serenity, and I would much rather deal with a few bears than listen to political ads or deal with all the two legged predators we seem to have in the world today.
The isolation and tranquility that you have up on a mountain may not be for everyone. I know many people would not function well in this environment, but for us it is ideal. I am fortunate to have a partner that shares my love for this lifestyle. 
Connie and I will have been married for 35 years this December and these days we have on the mountain just bond us closer. When folks talk to me about doing something similar to what we’ve done, I stress the importance of having a shared interest, and the ability to work side by side.
Life on a mountain is not for everyone, but for us it is perfect.
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