We got finished up with spring planting and a few other things and were able to haul the horses out to Teakettle Mtn last Thursday. It was gorgeous up on the Mtn. All the snow melt and spring rains had the area looking like a rain forest. The horses only get a few hours a day on the lush grass.
We had plans of taking a few conditioning rides to get the boys acclimated to the mountains and then heading into the backcountry. The many old logging roads up the North Fork are great for the first rides of the season.
Connie’s 82 yr young father even went along for a ride. He did a little over 8 miles with no problem at all.
We spend a lot of time working with our horses for the use in the backcountry. De-sensitizing and training for the little things that can give you big wrecks. Wilderness riding is dangerous, so we do our best to minimize risk of accidents. We have a very short window to see and enjoy the backcountry so we work to try to have our horses ready. But sometimes plans go awry. On Friday evening a devastating hail storm swept though ND and took out most all of our soybeans and some of the pinto beans. There is still time to attempt to replant so I’m heading back. Connie will stay with the horses on the Mtn. and hopefully I will be back in a week. Then we can begin this summers excursions into the backcountry.